IADA GOLD Membership

From: 175.00$ for 1 year

Membership includes

  • The IADA newsletter
  • A subscription to the international peer-reviewed journal Language and Dialogue (John Benjamins)
  • A 30% discount on the volumes in Dialogue Studies, published by John Benjamins.
  • The right to vote on all issues pertaining to the life of the Association, as stipulated in the IADA Constitution
  • Access to the IADA conferences and reduced registration fees for the symposia and workshops (register to conferences/symposia/workshops in Members section page).

Members who register after March 1 will receive the issues of the following year only after renewing their membership.

Be sure to select your tier depending on the country in which you live.
Country list for tier A & Country list for tier B.


 IADA Gold membership

Gold membership give access to all the volumes of our journal Language and Dialogue since its creation.


Professors and
researchers affiliated
to an academic

Students Retired

Faculty or Non-Affiliated

LSI members of the International Communication Association

Tier A

245$ CAD 175$ CAD 220$ CAD

200$ CAD

Tier B 220$ CAD 175$ CAD 175$ CAD

200$ CAD


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