Benefits for IADA members

The annual membership includes subscription to our new journal, Language and Dialogue. Eligibility Anyone interested in the International Association for Dialogue Analysis can become an active member, entitled to all membership benefits, upon payment of membership fees. Membership is always for the calendar year (1 April – 30 March) in which the application and payment […]

New Journal and membership fees

Starting today IADA members will receive automatically the new journal Language and Dialogue. Membership will be obligatorily connected with the journal for a standard fee of 80 Euros and a student fee of 50 Euros. As before, members of IADA will also receive the IADA newsletter and can participate (reduced fee) in all IADA conferences. IADA […]

Other Publishing Houses

Ionescu-Ruxandoiu, Liliana (ed.), in Collaboration with Liliana Hoinarescu (2006): Cooperation and conflict in ingroup and intergroup communication. Selected Papers from the Xth biennial Congress of the IADA, Bucharest 2005. University of Bucharest Press. Proceedings of the IADA Workshop ‘Word Meaning in Argumentative Dialogue’. Homage to Sorin Stati, Milan 2008, ed. by G. Gobber, S. Cantarini, […]

Proceedings published with Niemeyer

Hundsnurscher, Franz / Weigand, Edda (eds.) (1986 ): Dialoganalyse. Referate der 1. Arbeitstagung, Münster 1986. Tübingen: Niemeyer (Linguistische Arbeiten 176). Weigand, Edda / Hundsnurscher, Franz (eds.) (1989): Dialoganalyse II. Referate der 2. Arbeitstagung, Bochum 1988. 2 Vols. Tübingen: Niemeyer (Linguistische Arbeiten 229/230). Stati, Sorin / Weigand, Edda / Hundsnurscher, Franz (eds.) (1991): Dialoganalyse III. Referate […]