The 2018 International Association for Dialogue Analysis conference (Taipei, September 25 th – 28 th , 2018) welcomes empirical and methodological extended abstracts from different disciplinary perspectives that focus on technologies, non- humans, and immaterial forms of agencies as participants and interlocutors of dialogue and interactions, to see how our identities, cultures, realities and representations, histories, organizations, and moral responsibilities will be transformed when we are related to these participants.
Agencies, with their different capabilities and structural positions, and actions that relate, connect, appropriate, speak to/through/for/with them, are the main theme of this conference. Contributors are asked to focus on exploring the dialoguing and interactions between human and non-human, material and immaterial agents, through which transformations, changes, or creativities occur and communicative consequences/responsibilities entailed and realized.
We welcome papers, proposals, and panels to theoretically and empirically explore these possibilities through, but not limited to, the following subthemes:
- Dialogue and technology: dialogue through technologies, technologies through dialogues, how dialogue (can) serve(s) as a mechanism in technologies (e.g., chatbot, AI), social media and mass self-communication;
- Dialogue and memories: texts vs. oral culture, identities/histories/bodies vs. documentation;
- Dialogue and virtualities: interfaces/interactions between material and immmaterial entities;
- Dialogue and visibility: interaction and modes of seeing, performativity, data visualization;
- Dialogue as/with/for the others: animals and plants, things, the dead, the unqualified, outside the boundaries;
- Dialogue and hauntology: The detailed study of what or who is haunting dialogues.
Deadline for submissions: March 19 th , 2018
More information and submission
Submission opens on Oct 25 th 2017, and closes on March 19 th 2018 at 23:59 Taipei Time (GMT +8).
Notification of acceptance end of April, 2018
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